a.) I've been lazy.
b.) I don't have your direct email address.
Noodle didn't have school last Monday and Tuesday so she had a marathon play date with one of the Sparkplugs which morphed into a sleep-over........so no blogging because I didn't have complete control of the office/playroom.
Then, last Tuesday, I met my old pal Mary at a popular children's book store for an infant/toddler story time. I had Franklin that day, so I thought he'd like it.
I'm not going into detail (like MJ would like me to do....) but let me tell you.....Sarah? The story-time person? Is a ROCK STAR to the toddler set. The place was dangerously packed. And let me just make the story of this horrible day shorter by telling you that:
a.) There was a terrible mob at the end of the performance. Horrible. Toddlers were everywhere. Some of the Moms were chatting and ignoring their toddlers.
b.) One of the toddlers got trampled. That's right. TRAMPLED.
c.) I was the one who trampled said toddler. It was me. I'm seriously trying to block this out of my normally blessedly-short memory.
The toddler was fine (I hope...she got trampled by the lady in back of me, too). We escaped the mayhem only to find my dear friend Mary outside with no coat on: she found her little guy on the street, window shopping for very expensive rugs.
No. Really, he just ran out of the place and Mary couldn't get to him because of the mob. It was crazy!! And very cold outside.
But it was stifling hot in the book store, so I grabbed all of our coats and Franklin's diaper bag, put Franklin in his sling on my right hip, and we trudged through the mucky parking lot to the car (after trampling the toddler).......where I stepped in a pothole and twisted my ankle, falling in the black, slushy muck of the parking lot. I fell on my left arm, shielding Franklin's noggin from hitting the pavement, but I had black mud all over me. My blue polar fleece shirt has tar embedded in the left elbow that I can't seem to get out. My coat was full of the mud, as were my pants, and Franklin's adorable fair aisle coat. Claire is too nice to say anything, but I'm sure it's ruined. When I got home and changed my pants, even my undies were full of the mud from the parking lot!
Meanwhile, Noodle keeps saying, "Oooooo. That had to hurt!" over and over again....... which was really bugging me, but Sparkplug eventually told her to stifle it, which was nice. That Sparkplug knows when to be silent, you know?
Anyway, that's my story.
It was nothing serious....but I didn't sleep well on Tuesday night and I realized in the middle of the night that I actually hurt both ankles... but by morning it was okay....I mean, I could still do stuff. So I just went about my business on Wednesday, limping around, scrubbing all of the hardwood floors in the house and cleaning as normal. By Wednesday night? My foot was throbbing and swollen and I was miserable. I totally learned my lesson and stayed off of it for the next 2 days and over the weekend and it's getting sooooo much better.
And Zuddy even took Noodle camping for the weekend, so I had no demands on me for 2 whole days!! It had been planned for a month, but it couldn't have fallen (Heh.) on a better weekend, huh?
Oh! Guess what else? My friend Holly came over on Friday with her her sweet little 2 year old! I should've gotten a picture of her adorable little face. Well, next time I will.....but anyway, I told Holly about the story- time fiasco, and she said she went to that story time once and never went again because of all of the people. Anyway, Holly is cooler than ever, and I'm going start showing up at her house so we can hang together :) Check out the link to Holly, so you can see how I ran into her last year at the grocery store. She has 4 kids, so she's busy, but if I push myself on her, she'll hang with me. Ha haaaaa!
Well, you know what time it is? I do believe it's time for a house tour! This one is in the Merriam Park area of Saint Paul and I want it. NOW. I don't think we will ever move, but if we do? It will be to a house that is within walking distance to a grocery store and other shops. That is my goal. More urban-type living.
Anyway, this one is near the grocery store for people who don't wash their hair often enough. Don't worry, though, I'm not one for succumbing to peer pressure, so I will always be sportin' freshly washed hair. Or, at the very least? Hair that doesn't smell unwashed. Anyhoo.....This is a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom house with 1,700 square feet. It's $339,900.
And I want it.
Like, NOW.
The living room. Cute. It's 18x15 feet.
This is the other half of the living room, looking into the dining room and sun room.
Here's that sunroom. Let's blog here, okay? Okay!
The bathroom upstairs. Love it.
The kitchen. I don't love it. I mean, I like the black and white thang they have going on, but having the sink over there with so little counterspace is a no-no. Why didn't they call me for a consult? Huh?
Because I would've pushed them out the door and changed the locks and hijacked the house. THAT's why! See, I would've removed that radiator and kept the counters going, my friends. Oh yes I would've. And then I would've either put the fridge where the picture is, or flip-flopped the sink and the range. Or both.
Look at this basement! Isn't that nice? I love the colored concrete floors!
This is one of the bedrooms. It's in the basment along with one of the bathrooms. I'd fix it up real cozy-like for when you come and stay with me. I would. Totally. Only the best for my internets, right? RIGHT.
That's it! What do you think? I think it's stalk-able. I think I may stalk it on the way to the grocery store today.
I was wondering where you had gone! that is a very stalkable house! love it. I hope your ankles are better...what kind of a sling are you able to carry a one year old in? I need one!
Eh, this house doesn't whip me into a frenzy the way some of them do. The bathroom is almost exactly what we ripped out and replaced last winter (and by we I mean me). Those radiators would drive me nuts, and the living room next to the stairs is too tiny. At last, a house I can look down upon. :)
Glad you're back, you child-trampler, you. Sorry about the tar on your fleece.
Finally, you are showing up in my google reader with an update. I've just been wondering where the heck you went.
Sorry about the whole fiasco and getting hurt, but it's good to see you back.
Phew. You're back. I was starting to have withdrawals. I like the house - I actually really like houses that aren't too big. I don't think families should be all spread out - so that's good. But what's up with kitchens? Doesn't it seem like in all of these houses everything is beautiful except the kitchen is off? In this one the sink totally should have been in front of the window. I mean, duh! That's where sinks are supposed to be - in front of windows!
Ahhhh... you and I are such kindreds. Love ya!
You are so lucky you didnt bop that babys head off the pavement, this would have been very unfortunate-way to sacrifice your body for the cause. ITs those lightning quick reflexes only a mother has...good job, sorry about the rest of yourself, hope your okay..
This house is nice, except for that kitchen, as your faithful followers are all stating, wrong place for that sink is right. I would much rather buy a fixer (dump) and fix itup (wreck it) myself.
I emailed you- need your address. dont post it to my blog just reply to said email..
We woke up to about 6 inches of snow this morning, people are freaking out and sliding off the road..We much prefer rain, lots of rain.
ta ta for now..
coastal nest
I love that bathroom! The radiator under the window is adorable, and I DREAM in subway tile. The radiators and woodwork in that house are gorgeous. And you really can't beat that location for walking to everything.
Keep RICEing (Rest Ice Compression Elevation), and you'll be better in no time!
FINALLY another post...I've been on pins and needles waiting to hear about your ankle!
Yahoo! Your baaaaaaack! Sorry to hear about your ankle. OUCH. And your clothes. ICK.
That bookstore must have been a scene! Man, trampling a toddler... and then biffing it... that's one bad day. I don't think I can top that one.
I think the house is cute. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give her a 7. Love the pedestal sink in the bathroom..oh yeahhhhh!
I am so glad you are on the mend, it was lonely without you. Don't worry about the toddler trampling, I am sure they have fully recovered by now, ha ha. That house is fantastic. It reminds me of the house I grew up in, in South Minneapolis. I miss those neighborhoods. Nothing like that here.
So, what have I been doing the past hour and a half? Well, let's just say, I am all caught up! Fun reading Mart. Glad you are feeling better.
Welcome Back...glad you are ok. How's the ankle doing anyway?
Love the story - sorry it happened...but still loved the story!
What is up with that bookstore? Can't they limit the number of people in the store? Don't they have to? Can't it be a "reservation" thing? Wow - insane!
Glad all is pretty well...and you're back!
All these years I wondered if it was just me that could smell unwashed hair, but now I know I have a kindred spirit out there! Now I feel so much more normal! Honestly though it IS a really disturbing smell. Funny thing is my hairdresser has tried for years to get me to wash every other day. I will admit I can pull it off if I don't need to be anywhere and look presentable. I mean sure it's ok at Wal-Mart....
That house is some serious eye candy. I could stalk houses all the live long day. The prices kill me! We live in West Texas, our house is bigger than that, on 10 acres and it was $100K less than that!!! Of course in CA that house would be a cool million.
That's some serious mud damage, girl. Sorry that happened to ya, but good job saving the baby's head. I did that once, too, and had black bruises up the front of my shins and knees cuz I fell on some concrete stairs to save my baby's noggin. Thank goodness instinct kicks in and doesn't let you waste time thinking about what to do.
Love the house, but I agree. The kitchen is ho hum. What would that basement look like if I lived there? Oh, yes, laundry piles stacked up everywhere.
Uh, sweetie, you can't have that house 'cause I'm gonna elbow you out of the way to get it for myself! HA!
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