Sunday, December 16, 2007


Here she is!!! It's Amy! My Pal!

With her adorable and intelligent daughter, C.

A couple of weeks ago we went to Amy's church. Which is also my dear friend Hilary's church. Which is also my brother's friend Beez's (and his wife Leeanne's) church. Which is also my friend Sal's neighbor Char's church. Which is also my Mom's friend Sue's church.

Are you getting the idea? It's a large congregation and I guess there are a bunch of people I know that go to church there.

Anyway, they have this huge bash called Elva Kaffe (geez. I'm not sure I spelled it right). It's the Swedish custom of having 11 o'clock coffee while you do your holiday baking? I might be totally butchering this. But there are a few important things to know:
  • Amy was chairperson of this event.
  • There were free cookies.
  • My dear friends Sal and Hilary were there.
  • It was HUGE. There were crafts for the kids, food demos, craft demos, may pole dancing, bell choirs and free cookies. Really good cookies. Did I mention that?

We got there at 12:30 with plans to meet Sal and her girl Z. and Hilary and her boy, O.

Churches normally skeeve me out a little bit, but this one didn't! Maybe it was the cookies? Plus, there was a distinct absence of church ladies surrounding me and pestering me with questions. I was able to just BE there. Very important.

Anyway, here are my pals!

Amy, Sal, Z and Noodle. Z is two weeks older than Noodle. I can't believe how tall she is!

Here is Z again. Isn't she a cutie-patootie? She's soooo mature and smart. Drat! I never got a picture of her brother, N! He was running around with some other kiddos.

Ahhhhh! My dear friend and fellow recipe developer, Hilary, with her son O. Hilary and I were both student interns at the 1996 Pillsbury Bake-Off. And guess what? She bought Zuddy's childhood home....yup! Crazy small world, huh? (Which, by the way, is down the street from SAL'S childhood home!) O. just got his glasses. He's almost 4 now and is so sweet and smart. And pretty. He's just a pretty boy. Big, long eyelashes. And TALL. But so is Hilary. She's almost 6 feet tall. Tall drink o' water, people.

This is Amy filming her little girl doing the May pole dance. Look at all these blond Swedes here, people. Crazy Swedish Lutherans.

I'm sad to say, there weren't any Jell-O salads there! A Swedish Lutheran staple. It was a little disturbing, but I will let it go.

Because there were cookies. And it was about the cookies.

This time.


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Blonde Minnesota Swedes Rock.

Cutzi said...

Looks like a fun time! I love the girls little "Uggs"!

Elle Jay Bee said...

My church is FULL of church ladies...all trying to get you to take over the organizational reins. I feel guilty, but I will never devote my time to preparing tea and sales and cooking for weddings and funerals. I know this probably makes me a bad (or lazy) person, but I just can't see myself spending all my free time that way...
Really, I wonder what is going to happen to churches when ladies like that are no more??

You STILL make me laugh with practically everything that pop into your brain and out onto the "pages" of your blog! I love it!!

the tattered nest said...

Have you seen the play "the church basement ladies" ??? It is so funny, and so true!

Anonymous said...

That totally surprised me when I pulled up your blog and there was a big picture of me! I'm glad you had fun at Elva Kaffe.

Of course we do have lots of "church ladies" who are involved in this event...which means as chair you walk a very fine line. I needed a few men to help with decorating and one said to me, "I'm happy to help as long as those old ladies stay away, I'm not going to stand up on that ladder and move something 10 times while they bicker about where it was located last time!" And, this little line came up very often from one church lady..."I think XYZ would be a great idea, and we could do ABC with it too, wouldn't that be fabulous! But of course, it's your event so you just do what you want, but wouldn't XYZ really make an impact."

I so want to see that "Church Basement Ladies" play.