It's been a weird few days. I was up at 2 am today and can't back to sleep.
First of all, I'm thinking about Cutz and her baby adventure.
Second? My elderly neighbor, Mrs. C. came over yesterday.
And not for a friendly little visit, either. Oh, no.
She's becoming a little off-kilter and thinks people in the neighborhood are spying on her.
There's about an hour and half (yes. and hour and a half.) of this nonsensical conversation that I'm leaving out, but please know that it was bad enough that I had to overeat and take a nap after she left.
And then I woke up and sucked my thumb and rocked back and forth under my divorce desk.
Because it's just disturbing to hear an 85 year old woman use the "F" word. Over and over. In my house when I'm still in my jammies with bed-head and morning breath.
Third: On Saturday one of the great loves of my life died unexpectedly:
We loved her like crazy. She was a remarkable, protective. Her nickname was "The Sheriff" because Girlfriend was in charge and not to be messed with.
We were lucky to know her, but she wasn't here long enough. She brought so much joy to our family...we loved taking care of her when our neighbors, Pam and Jeff, went out of town. She was a world-class snuggler and when I'd stay over night, she'd spoon with me all night long. I can't even say that much about Zuddy.
I don't know what else to say. And I cry every time I think about her. Her sister, Nikita, is very sad. She's been howling with sadness. It breaks my heart.
Sorry to hear about Gracie Mae and your elderly neighbor. If I was near by I'd pass you the cupcakes!
I'm so sorry about Gracie Mae. Losing animals is the worst, especially when they're as special as she was.
NO! I'm so sorry about the dog! That breaks my heart! What happened? Oh, I'm SO sorry!
Lots of hugs coming your way!
Awwww, thanks, ladies!
Pam and Jeff were thinking that she maybe had a heart attack. Jeff found her in the yard early in the morning with her brother and sister on each side of her, waiting for help. It must have happened right before he found her because they weren't outside long - it was 4:30 in the morning.
:( So sad about Gracie Mae. Your neighbor? Cracked me up, sorry! I have a whcko over here too. So glad you are blogging again, I need my Martha fix.
Aww Martha, I'm so sorry about Gracie Mae. I love her name. I don't think any Canadians would name their dog that, and that makes me sad.
I hope your neighbor makes peace with herself and shakes off all that anger and resentment.
Oh my heart!!! So sorry to hear about Gracie Mae. Animals are just so awesome and such a blessing to our lives. Never mind that I have toooooo many. And...your neighbor, for crying out loud, and dropping the f-bomb on you. That is uncalled for. Don't answer the door next time. :+)
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